ETEC has provided me with several Aha moments. First, even though I am a digital immigrant, I can learn to be just as proficient as most of the digital natives I teach. Technology is an empowering tool, and if I choose to integrate it correctly into my classroom, I can provide my students with the skills they need to think critically and be productive members of society. I also believe the new technologies I have learned will provide me with unique opportunities to teach things in new, relevant ways.
Second, technology is important, but so are the daily face-to-face interactions we have with our students. Today’s learners still value the role teachers play in the classroom, so making technology human will remain an important goal of mine.
A third aha moment came in the e-portfolio itself. As an English teacher, I have always valued writing portfolios and see the value an e-portfolio will provide for my students. Since portfolios are reflective in nature, they not only showcase a student’s ability to provide insight to selected pieces, but they can also showcase their creative use of technology.
Even though I’m working on getting my LIS certification, I am still a classroom teacher. In fact, I am thrilled about having the opportunity to use many of the technologies I have learned in this class with my students. Being able to share blogs, wikis, Glogster, Google Earth, Voki, Jing, and many others will help provide me with a firsthand account of how technology can transform a classroom. I believe it will be through these experiences that I will learn to become a better library media specialist as well.
Fortunately, my educational philosophy dealt very much with the role of teachers in the 21st century. I am a firm believer that as educators we must change if we plan on challenging and shaping the minds of those we teach. My future goals include keeping up with the latest trends in technology and sharing with others what I have learned. Since I will continue to grow as both an educator and a learner, I expect my educational philosophy will change as well. I look forward to many of the other technologies I will discover and plan on continuing the development of my e-portfolio.
Melissa's ETEC 524 Blog
Welcome to my educational technology blog!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Reflection #4
“Is it Age or IT?” is a relevant look at the Net Generation and the way they view technology. As far as education is concerned, those belonging to this generation truly want the best of both worlds – face-to-face learning as well as learning through activity-enabled technology. And why shouldn’t they want the best of both? Students in the Net Generation have grown up on technology and have been educated primarily by Baby Boomers and members of Generation X. Because of their educational experiences, those in the Net Gen have experience with face-to-face learning as well as active learning through technology. Clearly, they see advantages of both. Then where, you might ask, is the problem? The problem lies with the fact that many of those responsible for educating Net Generation students believe occasional incorporation of technology into the curriculum is enough to reach the students they teach.
Much about the Net Gen and their views on technology has been learned. For example, it’s not so much the use of technology they crave, but more of the interactivity technology can provide. These students thrive on learning by doing- not by lecture. They are also social learners who prefer to work with a partner or in groups. They prefer learner-centered assignments as well. Yes, they believe technology is important, but it’s the active involvement from technology that matters most. For me and many other educators like me, this statement alone can affect the way in which technology is incorporated into the classroom.
As educators, if we are going to close the generational gap, we must begin by incorporating technology that ensures learner-centered, interactive assignments. If we believe we are reaching our students by occasionally integrating technology, then we are not reaching them at all. We must make sure we provide them with a combination of face-to-face learning opportunities as well as engaging, technology-assisted assignments that get them to think critically and reflectively. When we combine face-to-face learning with technology-rich active learning, we are not only reaching their educational needs, but we are also helping prepare the Net Generation for their future.
Another Reason to Appreciate “Is it Age or IT?: First Steps Towards Understanding the Net Generation?
This chapter was interesting on another level as well. Even though I’m part of Generation X, I realize I’m more like the Net Generation than I originally thought. For example, since I’ve started working on my masters, I’ve become better at composing online than by longhand. I have also turned my memory over to my smart phone (thank goodness!). I no longer try to memorize numbers or feel a need to carry a calendar in my purse. When going to meetings, I gladly show up with both my laptop and my PDA…gone are the days of taking a legal pad. I’m constantly connected whether it’s through my laptop or my phone or both. I can multitask pretty well but probably not as well as the Net Gen. I will occasionally play video games with my kids and have been known to play Rock Band with my neighbors. In addition, I share some of the same attributes as those in the Net Gen. For example, I consider myself a determined and hopeful person. I enjoy learning the latest technology, and I still like my parents. I become frustrated when things don’t work or run as quickly as I like, and I cannot stand negativity. Therefore, it seems as though I’m not as far removed from those I teach. Which leaves me with this question-Am I more like those in the Net Generation because of my continued education, or is Generation X similar to the Net Generation?

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Reflective Blog #3

Electric Portfolios as Digital Stories of Deep Learning is an informative and eye-opening look at what e-portfolios can do to transform the way in which teachers assess student learning. As a teacher in a district where an emphasis is being placed on formative assessment, I found the distinction between assessment of learning and assessment for learning enlightening. I couldn’t help but notice a connection between AFL and Jay McTighe’s theory of Understanding by Design. Both seem to favor more meaningful types of formative assessment than extensive summative assessment.
The tenet I found most relevant states that assessment for learning develops learners’ capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing. I could easily relate to this tenet because one of the formative assessment strategies I use most often is self assessment and peer assessment. I’m glad to know these types of assessments foster learning, and I hope to provide my students with many more opportunities to be reflective of what they have created, read, and learned.
The middle school students I teach all have access to school laptops, so creating an e-portfolio for assessment would not be an unobtainable goal. In fact, creating e-portfolios is something I should do. Not only would I be able to use their portfolios to show what they have learned, but they would be a great tool to show what and how I have used technology in my classroom. Student e-portfolios could be shared with parents, teachers, and school administrators alike.
I believe the creation and development of my e-portfolio will give me the confidence I need to use technology in my classroom and to share it with others. I also believe it will motivate me to continue to learn new technologies to stay current with the digital natives I teach. In addition, creating my e-portfolio has taught me that learning new technologies is not difficult and that it’s worth the extra time spent to learn them.
The tenet I found most relevant states that assessment for learning develops learners’ capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing. I could easily relate to this tenet because one of the formative assessment strategies I use most often is self assessment and peer assessment. I’m glad to know these types of assessments foster learning, and I hope to provide my students with many more opportunities to be reflective of what they have created, read, and learned.
The middle school students I teach all have access to school laptops, so creating an e-portfolio for assessment would not be an unobtainable goal. In fact, creating e-portfolios is something I should do. Not only would I be able to use their portfolios to show what they have learned, but they would be a great tool to show what and how I have used technology in my classroom. Student e-portfolios could be shared with parents, teachers, and school administrators alike.
I believe the creation and development of my e-portfolio will give me the confidence I need to use technology in my classroom and to share it with others. I also believe it will motivate me to continue to learn new technologies to stay current with the digital natives I teach. In addition, creating my e-portfolio has taught me that learning new technologies is not difficult and that it’s worth the extra time spent to learn them.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Blog Reflection #2

At first glance the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus website looked a little fishy, but more investigation was obviously needed. The URL was somewhat revealing but not much. ZAPATOPI also wasn't helpful, but the fact that it was a .net website raised a flag or two. It wasn't until I started checking the external links associated with the website that I realized it was, indeed, a hoax. The external links took me to an octopus comic book website, an art/photoshop website, and a women's Internet science web magazine. The tell-tell sign, of course, was the numerous links to websites about the tree octopus being a fake or a spoof. Also, looking up the publisher/author information only revealed that the contact person was Kevin Fraites. Looking at the history of the site was of little help, revealing only that the site was first started in 2002. I believe this site was originally intended for entertainment purposes, but it looks as though many are using it as a source to help teach about the credibility of websites. When searching for information about the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, I found AltaVista's information to be more beneficial. Google and Yahoo seemed to have more links to other blogs and wikis about the tree octopus than to links about it actually being a hoax.
After completing this exercise, I think I will be more likely to explore the external links associated with a website as well as using easywhois to determine a sites publisher or author. Examining a websites URL is a great start, but using these additional steps will help me become a much better evaluator of Internet information. I also hope to "borrow" a few things from this lesson to share with my 8th grade students!
As educators we are responsible for teaching our students how to think for themselves. If we do not give them the skills they need to identify credible websites, then we have failed to prepare them for the 21st century. The Internet and its wealth of information will only grow; therefore, we must teach our students not to take everything at face-value. By making our students aware of Internet pitfalls, we provide them with the knowledge they will need to be able to get the most out of what will be an invaluable resource.
After completing this exercise, I think I will be more likely to explore the external links associated with a website as well as using easywhois to determine a sites publisher or author. Examining a websites URL is a great start, but using these additional steps will help me become a much better evaluator of Internet information. I also hope to "borrow" a few things from this lesson to share with my 8th grade students!
As educators we are responsible for teaching our students how to think for themselves. If we do not give them the skills they need to identify credible websites, then we have failed to prepare them for the 21st century. The Internet and its wealth of information will only grow; therefore, we must teach our students not to take everything at face-value. By making our students aware of Internet pitfalls, we provide them with the knowledge they will need to be able to get the most out of what will be an invaluable resource.
Delicious and Google Reader
I've been using Delicious for a few years now, and I absolutely love it. Many times while searching for information on the Internet I stumble onto something I know I can eventually use. Having a Delicious account enables me to tag the information and come back to it at a later time from any computer. I also like being able to share the information I've found with others and to view their tags as well. It has been a great way for me to share information.
One I way I would like to use Delicious in the future is with my students. It would be a great tool to use for research projects and for Web Quests as well. Instead of me writing the links on the board or displaying them, I could have the students go to the appropriate tag in my Delicious account.
I'm new to Google Reader, but I see how it can be a time-saver. It's great to have one place to go to
catch up on the various sites I read on a regular basis. I'm going to connect with my friends who are already using Google Reader to see what they are reading. I think Google Reader is like any other new technology...once you get use to it, you don't see how you managed without it.
I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed creating my wiki. When I first considered what I wanted to do with a wiki, I thought of creating one I could use with teachers across the district. I still think that is something I will do, but I wanted to create one I could use immediately and with my students. So, I began creating a wiki as a place for my students to discuss their summer reading assignments. It didn't take long though before it turned into a class webpage. I've got more work to do on it, but it's something I plan on using throughout the year. It will be a place where I can post assignments, post their class syllabus, and a place for them to do some peer editing as well. Thanks for giving us an assignment that we could customize and actually use. I'm thrilled with the endless possibilities it offers!
I see many advantages of using a wiki, but the most important advantage of a wiki is that it's a new and fun technology tool. As a middle school teacher, I've seen the impact that technology has on students. They truly love it and want to use it. Students are bored with creating Word documents. They want something that will provide them with interactivity; they want to be engaged. Wikis provide students with the opportunity to create something or change something. Wikis, and most other Web 2.0 technologies, appeal to all students. It doesn't matter if they're a visual learner, an auditory learner, a tactile learner; technology works for all native immigrants. After all, they've been using various forms of technology their entire lives.
As far as disadvantages of a wiki, I would say the fact that information could be easily edited or deleted. Another disadvantage with a wiki is that a student must have access to the Internet to be able to gain access or participate on it. Unfortunately, there are still students who do not have Internet access at home.
I'm familiar with most Web 2.0 technologies, but I haven't tried all of them. The two I'm most interested in trying soon are Twitter and podcasting. I know both of these are being used by educators, and I hope to find ways to incorporate them into my classroom this year.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Digital Concept Map
Blog Reflection #1
Thinking about and actually drafting my educational technology philosophy has helped me gain insight as to where I am in my teaching career and where I am headed. I am proud to know that I’m doing what I can to be a better teacher of my digital native students. By publishing my educational beliefs and objectives, my future career goals are important and meaningful.
Blogging is a wonderful communication tool that can be used with students, parents, teachers, and administrators alike. Blogging provides a safe forum for open communication within small and large communities. For example, I can see students not only blogging with other students, but I can see them possibly blogging with authors of books they have read. Another useful way in which blogging can be used is to get the students who do not like to participate in large group discussions to take part in safe online communication with others. Blogging is one way of making open communication purpose-driven.
I don’t think we’ve met the potential of blogging as mentioned in Stephen Downes’s article. I know until this past year it was impossible for me to blog with my students because a “district-approved” blog site was not available. I am also aware of the fact that not everyone has Internet access at home. Blogging, as mentioned in Downes’s article, has its place in the educational world, unfortunately we’re just not there yet.
I found Alan November’s piece to be quite enlightening, and I have to agree with his first point the most. It is incredibly important for educators to make sure students know how to determine a reputable site from one that is not. As an 8th grade English teacher who teaches the Holocaust, using Professor Butz’s website as an example of a non-reputable site has a profound impact on my students. It shows them just how easy it is to believe and assume that what is on the Internet is true.
Blogging is a wonderful communication tool that can be used with students, parents, teachers, and administrators alike. Blogging provides a safe forum for open communication within small and large communities. For example, I can see students not only blogging with other students, but I can see them possibly blogging with authors of books they have read. Another useful way in which blogging can be used is to get the students who do not like to participate in large group discussions to take part in safe online communication with others. Blogging is one way of making open communication purpose-driven.
I don’t think we’ve met the potential of blogging as mentioned in Stephen Downes’s article. I know until this past year it was impossible for me to blog with my students because a “district-approved” blog site was not available. I am also aware of the fact that not everyone has Internet access at home. Blogging, as mentioned in Downes’s article, has its place in the educational world, unfortunately we’re just not there yet.
I found Alan November’s piece to be quite enlightening, and I have to agree with his first point the most. It is incredibly important for educators to make sure students know how to determine a reputable site from one that is not. As an 8th grade English teacher who teaches the Holocaust, using Professor Butz’s website as an example of a non-reputable site has a profound impact on my students. It shows them just how easy it is to believe and assume that what is on the Internet is true.
My Educational Technology Philosophy
The world of education is alive with excitement, and it is the new-technological trends in education creating all the frenzy. Educators across the globe are finding new and improved ways to educate and connect with their students. This is the time of the 21st century-learner. This is a time of great change for those in the world of education!
Although the world of education is changing, the purpose of education has not changed. Educators are still responsible for providing their students with the skills they need to be able to think for themselves and to seek out answers to questions to which they might have. Educators are also still responsible for providing students with the knowledge they need to be productive members of society. So, what is it that is so different in the world of education today?
With the new available technologies, the role of the learner and the role of the educator are changing. Gone are the days of the teacher being the “leader” in the classroom and the student being the “follower.” In today’s world of education, the teacher is more like a “facilitator” and the student more like a “partner” in education. Classroom boundaries are also being broken. Students are able to connect with other students in different classes, different schools, and in different countries. The means by which students are learning are also changing. Today’s students have access to more technology than any other generation before them, and educators must learn how to educate and communicate with students using the same available technology. Today’s students also want to be engaged and challenged. It is up to today’s educators to provide them with challenging and engaging lessons while at the same time incorporating the technology they have become accustomed to using.
As an educator of 21st century students, it is my responsibility to continue to learn and seek out new ways to get my students to think critically. I want to be a “facilitator” of hands-on learning, a classroom “guide” of engaging lessons, a mentor who will help them make real-life connections. Although I am largely an idealist when it comes to education, I realize the importance of staying current with new trends and technologies. I believe I can still teach the classics, but the methods I use to teach the classics will be anything but classic. I can be an informator by providing my students with new ways of making discoveries and by providing them with new methods to show what they have learned. It is my responsibility as an educator to allow my students to explore the world in which they live with the technological skills which they have developed. I will be a 21st century-educator.
Although the world of education is changing, the purpose of education has not changed. Educators are still responsible for providing their students with the skills they need to be able to think for themselves and to seek out answers to questions to which they might have. Educators are also still responsible for providing students with the knowledge they need to be productive members of society. So, what is it that is so different in the world of education today?
With the new available technologies, the role of the learner and the role of the educator are changing. Gone are the days of the teacher being the “leader” in the classroom and the student being the “follower.” In today’s world of education, the teacher is more like a “facilitator” and the student more like a “partner” in education. Classroom boundaries are also being broken. Students are able to connect with other students in different classes, different schools, and in different countries. The means by which students are learning are also changing. Today’s students have access to more technology than any other generation before them, and educators must learn how to educate and communicate with students using the same available technology. Today’s students also want to be engaged and challenged. It is up to today’s educators to provide them with challenging and engaging lessons while at the same time incorporating the technology they have become accustomed to using.
As an educator of 21st century students, it is my responsibility to continue to learn and seek out new ways to get my students to think critically. I want to be a “facilitator” of hands-on learning, a classroom “guide” of engaging lessons, a mentor who will help them make real-life connections. Although I am largely an idealist when it comes to education, I realize the importance of staying current with new trends and technologies. I believe I can still teach the classics, but the methods I use to teach the classics will be anything but classic. I can be an informator by providing my students with new ways of making discoveries and by providing them with new methods to show what they have learned. It is my responsibility as an educator to allow my students to explore the world in which they live with the technological skills which they have developed. I will be a 21st century-educator.
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